Subject: [ql-users] QL2004
From:    Malcolm Cadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Mon, 4 Aug 2003 18:36:38 +0100

(Copied from Malcolm C's email - he cannot send to the gorup for some

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman
>On  Sun, 3 Aug 2003 at 20:54:54, Roy wood wrote:
>>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gwicks
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>I won't quote back any of the long and detailed list Geoff has just
>>given us but I have a great tendency to agree with him on ninety
>>percent of it. If we are to be honest with ourselves we could add a few
>>lines to the list as well.
>Only one I don't agree on. A loss of £100 a year is nothing.
>That is a small price to pay for membership of the QL club.
>If only my loss was that small.
>There is a story which is one of quite a few which keep me with the QL.
>Someone sent me their 'beloved' QL for repair just before Christmas last
>year.  I had told her on the phone that it was a standard price, but
>forgot to mention that did not include microdrives.  Of course, the
>problem she had was microdrives!
>I replaced both and did not charge her 'It was my fault for forgetting -
>it is your lucky day'
>She then wrote back a delightful letter, saying that she was quite old
>and my letter had arrived at a very low point in her life.  She was not
>looking forward to Christmas, as she really had very little money.
>Reading between the lines, I think she had just lost her husband.
>Anyway, it was just before a QL show, so I asked her whether she could
>come, as I had a Trump Card I could give her.
>At the show, Malcolm Cadman added disks and a double floppy disk drive.
>... and I have never cashed her cheque for the repair.
>That is why I stick with the QL.

I think Tony has got the essence of what makes the QL well worth staying
with.  A computer passing its twentieth birthday and beyond has
inevitably got 'older' people amongst its users.

It was great to be able to help out the person mentioned at the last
London Quanta Workshop.  The equipment was 'donated' to the group by
another QL user moving on with their own computing needs.  So, someone
else has really benefited.

The donations of equipment that I have had since organising the London
Group have made it very financially viable.  We now have enough funds to
continue for several years into the future. So my thanks again to anyone
who has donated anything to us.

However, we have now sadly lost three of our long serving members
through illness - all of them very well known to other QLers and
Traders. Also, other people have 'retired' from the scene to the rich
pastures of the modern PC ...

For me. the QL is still really enjoyable to be associated with.  I know
how to use it from the command line, with the Pointer Environment, etc.
Why throw that away ?  It doesn't stop me using other types of computer
systems too.  In fact the excellent emulators that we now have really
help to keep the spirit of the QL going on other platforms.

Most of all the people involved in the QL scene are great to meet with.
Everyone is friendly, helpful and often multi-talented.

I do think we are finally entering a phase when we will have all the
elements for a QL environment that has the potential to win back some
users, the QL will never be a mass market product again ... yet we will
have to promote it ... with the GUI's that are being developed, the
internet access and tools, the new hardware, etc.

Those of us who are expert will have to make the QL environment
accessible again to older returnees as well as newly interested

The QL Emulators CD that Dilwyn and Darren produced, for example, was a
great idea. Once the GUI's area available it would be good to do this
again ... and more.

Have CD that would 'auto magically' produce and set up a QL environment
on a MAC or PC, etc.  It will have to be easy and 'done on a plate' to
get new users involved.  They won't have the time to catch up on all the
things that those of still involved may know about.
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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