Geoff Wicks wrote:-

>So we are all going to converge on Eindhoven from all over the world in
>October 2004 for a major international show.

Yep looks like it... :-))

I can see that Geoff would prefer a UK show, and in many ways this is
probably a better idea, but I am unsure about wether you really would get a
bigger attendance these days at a UK venue rather than Eindhoven - the last
few UK shows I was at had a handful of attendees. I think no matter where
you hold it, a lot of attendees will come if put on the same scale at
QL2000 was, purely on the basis its a big thing to be there - the 21st
anniversary of the QL. Eindhoven appeals to me as I can combine it with a
family holiday in the area, and cut my costs. Plus we could see a lot of
the continental QL users that never/seldom come to a QL show in the UK, as
it would be on their (relatively speaking) doorstep - People like Wolfgang,
Francois, Dieter, Claude, Jimmy, etc... and would be cheaper for them to
get to.

>I don't want to be a killjoy, but there is a very slight, relatively
>unimportant, complication.
>Who is going to organise it?

Quanta of course. They did a great job last time. Can't see what the
problem would be this time round. OK, its in a "foreign" location, but all
the booking and much of the organisation can be done with phone calls and



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