> EasyPTR remains the main sticking point and unfortunately, I have
not found
> the time (mainly due to my continued ill health) to look at the
sources for
> this and try to work out what is needed to adapt this excellent
utility to
> working with 65536 colours and the new WMAN.  Unfortunately, none of
the others who
> expressed an interest in working on this project have been in touch
> hint) so is there anyone else willing/able to take up the gauntlet
along with me??
I don't know enough about the low level machine code parts of the
system to help with the programming but am happy to help informally in
any way I can, e.g. testing or suggesting changes etc. I do use
Easyptr part 2 (basic) almost every day and a mega-project like
Launchpad has probably shown up just about every problem area you
could think of and more. For example, try referncing sprites in memory
by name, the names don't seem to be stored and you can only reliably
get at them by appending them to a base file and referncing them by
base address e.g. SPRA (sprite_number), even appendix manager and
entering the names manually doesnt seem to save the names.

You can only have 32 info windows. Some of the menus in Launchpad
suffer because of this, I was using narrow windows as shadows and
boxes and kept running out of info windows, so gave up on most of

While your routines in Superbasic reference manual to resize menus are
great, they are after all basically pokes that may or may not work on
future systems. In addition to being able to change menu sizes, we
need to be able to change application window sizes and colour
schemes - as I know of no way to dynamically alter menu colour schemes
at runtime, Launchpad users are stuck with one colour scheme.

Since Easyptr allows only the 256 colours, it might be handy to have
it offer different ones rather than the stipples in high colour modes.

Easysprite and the other bits need to be able to handle GD2 sprites so
that high colour sprites become possible.

Just a short list off the top of my head, will send others as they
come back to me!

Dilwyn Jones

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