Having both a HP1150 and an HP PSC750 both attached to QPC2 and working 
with Text87 and Prowess, what is all the fuss about?  Admittedly, my 
printers use PCL3 and PCL6 respectively and not PJL but the process is 
very easy and no problem at all.

I also have an Epson 740 attached on a USB cable and the biggest problem 
there is setting up the USB in Windows XP, only a few files are needed.


Peter Fox 

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcel Kilgus) wrote:

> "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)" wrote:
> > Besides that, in reality EVERY printer can work with the QL with the
> > following workaround (that has been explained before by Marcel if I
> > am not mistaken).
> Yes. But I have given up on the subject. IIRC the only comment to the
> the German article I wrote about the subject was Geoff who wanted to
> do an English translation. This appeared and the response was zero,
> nada.
> I personally have zero need for SMSQ/E printing functionality anyway.
> > 1. Produce Postscript output somehow (ie Marcel's filter program)
> > 2. Instead of sending the output to the PAR port, send it to a file 
> > on a DOS drive
> If the PAR port is set up correctly this is not necessary. A PAR port
> can be set up in a way that Ghostscript is automatically fed with the
> data and printed to any Windows printer. This is not exactly easy to
> do but once it's done the whole process is completely transparent.
> > Now this whole problem has got me thinking a tad. It is possible
> > theoretically to write a similar auto printing utility on the
> > windows side that can emulate ESC P2 commands (or anything else).
> Very old idea. QPCPRINT.EXE was supposed to do this. Already did it to
> some degree, first test versions were available.
> I did also investigate to use existing HP emulations from the Linux
> folks, but that didn't really work out either. IIRC the HP printer
> drivers I had (ProWesS) didn't send normal control codes but graphical
> data which the emulations couldn't handle.
> > There are a couple of problems involved: One is to set aside a 
> > specific directory assigned to a dos drive
> > The second one is to  continuously looking for print files and 
> > initiate printing only when one is found and not being written to
> All not necessary. QPC has already everything integrated to do this,
> just better (QPCPRINT functionality).
> Marcel
    • ... Robert Newson
      • ... John Hitchcock
        • ... Andrea Carpi
  • ... RWAPSoftware
    • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
      • ... P Witte
        • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
          • ... gwicks
            • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
              • ... Marcel Kilgus
              • ... Peter Fox
              • ... Jerome Grimbert
              • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
              • ... gwicks
              • ... Dilwyn Jones
              • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
              • ... Tarquin Mills
              • ... Tony Firshman
              • ... Roy wood
              • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
              • ... Roy wood

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