> Hard to believe its all lasted 20 years....

> On 12th jan 1984, I was enjoying my new 16K ZX Spectrum, which Dad
> bought me a few weeks earlier for Christmas. Wasn't too long before
I was
> wishing for a 48K one (some things never change......)
Did your dad know what he was getting you into!!!

Did he realise how much gear you'd end up storing in his attic!!!
(well worth a trip to Darren's Irish show just to get to see the
amount of computer gear in that house)

> Was YEARS later (about 1994/5) when I got a QL, or rather two fo
them, at a
> car boot sale with some mags and an Expanderam, Cumana Disk I/F and
> Microvitec Monitor, all for £75 if I recall, after some intense
> The rest as they say is history..........
Speaking of Microvitec monitos...I've scanned the Microvitec and
Vision QL monitor manuals and put them on my documentation website
(Topcities site) if anyone needs a copy.

> I've made some  wonderful close friends thanks to the QL, long may
it last.
The Church Of Latter-Day Sinclairs ring a bell? I don't think the
postie who lives down the road from me was ever the same after seeing
that envelope ;-)

Everyone...let me know what you were doing on this day and I'll put
your thoughts into a little nostalgia column in QL Today if there's
enough response. Or, perhaps QL 2004 should have a noticeboard at the
show with the heading "What were YOU doing on 12/1/84 when it all
started? Write it down below!". Legal, decent and honest replies only
of course.

Dilwyn Jones

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