> In the handbook it does give CHR$15 as condensed but under the ASC11
column it is SI, not
> ESC - it just prints normal text
Eh? CHR$ 15 is SI! ESC is CHR$ 27.

OPEN#3,SER1  (or PAR if you are using parallel port)
PRINT #3,CHR$(15);
PRINT #3,"Some text in condensed 17 characters per inch printing."

on some printers, PRINT #3,CHR$(27);CHR$(15); would also work.

To cancel condensed print, use PRINT #3,CHR$(18);

If this does not work, there is one of 3 possibilities:
1. Your printer doesn't support condensed printing (highly unlikely)
2. Your printer is not Epson compatible (unlikely!)
3. Other software is resetting the print pitch, e.g. the Quill
printer_dat might be sending a printer reset code if you are using

> I have discoverd ESCg which gives 15cpi and it would almost do for
Semi-condensed 15 characters per inch.

> The main one seems to be the Master Select.  ESC! n;
While this would work, it shouldn't be necessary - just sending the SI
code above should be all you need!!!

Dilwyn Jones

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