On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 07:37:44PM -0200, Lucas do R. B. Brasilino da Silva wrote:
> Hi All!
> I work for a english school here in Recife, Brazil, and I
> setted up a Qmail server that is woking fine (Thanks Dan!!).
> Most of our students have emails accounts at free email servers
> like yahoo, hotmail and zipmail (brazilian one).
> I'd like to provide the same service to these students. Is there 
> some Web based Mail server that works with Qmail ??
> In time: At the same machine is running apache (thanks apache group! :) ).
>       Thanks a lot in advance
> bests regards
>       Lucas Brasilino

If you are using Maildir's for all your users, there is an excellent
one being developed called SqWebMail. It reads/writes directly to
the users Maildir files. Very fast.

We have a demo system setup if you want to take a look at the
raw installation.

user: webmailer
pass: webmailer

email me directly if you want the code.

Ken Jones
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.

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