This brings me to a good point. I've been running qdpop on a machine here
at work for customers that have broken mail to check in emergency
situations. However, the qdpop "program" seems to suck up MAJOR resources
while it's in use. Has anyone else experienced this behaviour, or is it
just me?

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Lucas do R. B. Brasilino da Silva wrote:

-| Hi All!
-| I work for a english school here in Recife, Brazil, and I
-| setted up a Qmail server that is woking fine (Thanks Dan!!).
-| Most of our students have emails accounts at free email servers
-| like yahoo, hotmail and zipmail (brazilian one).
-| I'd like to provide the same service to these students. Is there 
-| some Web based Mail server that works with Qmail ??
-| In time: At the same machine is running apache (thanks apache group! :) ).
-|      Thanks a lot in advance
-| bests regards
-|      Lucas Brasilino

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