listy-dyskusyjne Krzysztof Dabrowski wrote:
> Hello..
> As i can see my post provoked few interesting answers. At the moment
> everything looks like that hypotetical 500.000+ mailserver could be
> implemented. There are just few remaining questions. If someone knows the
> answers then please share them :)
> a) how one can organize an independent quota system on OS with 16 bit uids.
> How to do it fast (as it'll be checked and modified on every delivery/download

qmail-ldap checks user quotas indepently from the operating systems

> b) a lot of you is proposing netapp as a filesystem sharing solution. My
> question is : does it support 32 bit uids? if it does then does it
> implements any quota system on its own? How will it interoperate with an OS
> with 16 bit uids then etc.

Forget about using the OS' user management and go with an 'virtual
user' system.

> c) if we are using something like netapp then what network speed is
> necesary to make that 500k mailserver running smoothly (i assume netapp
> uses nfs).

Switched 100Mbit Ethernet. You can't make more traffic in the backend
than you have in the front (= speed of your Internet connection).

Andre Oppermann

CEO / Geschaeftsfuehrer
Internet Business Solutions Ltd. (AG)
Hardstrasse 235, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
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