Mark Delany wrote:
>>If any emails come into these seeded addresses then we register some info
>>about that email with the RBL.

> Which info would you record? The forged envelope sender or the unwitting 
> third-party relay?

1) IP address of the remote host and 2) From / Subject / To ?

The thing spammers are least likely to much with is the subject. But if you
recorded all 3 you could do a reasonably quick "intelli" match on other
emails from that host.

>>sending emails (not practical) if sending direct to MX.  If they use an open
>>relay then it'll quickly kill off connections from that machine - but we would
>>need to build in a TTL since the last spam registered from that host (e.g.
>>12 or 24 hours).
>>So, Why wouldn't this work?

> Because most open relays are not well administered, if at all. All you'd 
> succeed in doing is RBLing most open relays.

> But, we already know who they are (or did with dorkslayers et al) and can 
> block them without the need for an elaborate scheme.

No, I don't think you've grasped the concept.  If I received an email to
a seeded address then Qmail-? would immediately update the "RBL" with 1&2

Then when the spammer gets around to spamming customers your "RBL"
check will kill it mid flight.

It's a co-operative thing where only the first few emails will get through
and 99% of subsequent emails (from this spammer) will be blocked at
the co-operating MTA.

> Probably spamtools is the place for this discussion as the politics of 
> dealing with open relays is the controvery not the technology and it has 
> nothing specific to do with qmail.

Yes it isn't Qmail specific at all, I was just responding to Dan's suggestion
for something that would work.

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