"Jacob (Mettavihari)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have installed the program ucspi-tcp and
>I have installed the line
>from FAQ 5.1 
>in the ined.conf
>tcpserver -u 501 -g 500 0 smtp /car/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
>Is ined.conf the system startup file ?

If you mean "inetd.conf", no, it's the inetd configuration file. Inetd 
is a "superserver": it listens to various ports, and when it receives
a connection on one, it invokes the appropriate daemon.

>How do I test if this has been propperly installed

telnet localhost 25

>When I do a ps -ax I do not get qmail-smtpd pid.

That's normal unless there's an active incoming SMTP session.

BTW, you really should use tcpserver from daemontools. Inetd doesn't
work very well and is unsupported with qmail.


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