: The qmail logs show remote concurrency over any given time period.

Good point.  I see it all the time and never think about it.

Yes, the one fast machine nears that limit.  Without searching hard I see 
111 qmail-remotes in the first part of one of my log files.

: > Top always shows memory all used, but then it's 
: > always like that.  There's never a large amount of swap being used.
: Ekk! Avoid *any* swapping if at all possible.

The processes that are being swapped are ones that aren't being used my the 
mail process.  Things like mingetty and portmap which are even being swapped
when the mail system isn't doing anything.

: If the load avg. is consistantly below 1 your CPU has room to breathe.

Well, it's above 1 but below 10.

: Your qmail machine should have local, fast, reliable caching nameserver.
: If it's on the qmail machine, perhaps it could be moved to a machine on
: the same segment to free memory - nameservers are memory hogs.

They're on the same machine.  Memory didn't seem to be my limitation and I 
thought a remote nameserver might cause more latency.  I might try it and see
what happens, though.

  Matthew Harrell                          Quantum Mechanics:
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       The dreams stuff is made of.

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