On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 10:55:35AM -0400, Matthew Harrell wrote:
> Well, it's above 1 but below 10.

It's a dual-CPU box, right? Then you should be aiming for load avg. less
than 2, otherwise runable jobs are waiting for a CPU.

> They're on the same machine.  Memory didn't seem to be my limitation and I 
> thought a remote nameserver might cause more latency.  I might try it and see
> what happens, though.

You had said that top was showing full memory usage, and your machine
was swapping a little. If the nameserver is on the same ethernet segment
you shouldn't see latency problems and the extra memory should
reduce swapping further. What's being swapped isn't really an issue -
the act of swapping causes severe performance degredation.

James Raftery (JBR54) - Programmer Hostmaster   IE Domain Registry
Preferred Contact by Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   UCD Computing Services
Web: http://www.domainregistry.ie/              Computer Centre
Tel: (+353 1) 7062375 Fax: (+353 1) 7062862     Belfield, Dublin 4, IE

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