Thus said Dave Sill on Wed, 03 Nov 1999 13:34:20 EST:

> >... At any rate, it looks like things have calmed down on the list 
> >server and I am wondering if I should just delete all those pid files as 
> >I'm beginning to wonder if they are mistakes made by qmail-queue when it 
> >couldn't complete it's tasks due to permission problems.
> qmail-send will delete them after they're 36 hours old.
I just looked and sure enough, they were gone.  Thanks for all the help.
My next project will be to make an RPM from scratch of this beast...  I 
know there are already some out there but I would like to have a go at it 
myself.  It looks like qmail is very machine specific and there are certain 
tricks to get it to where it is relocatable.

        +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
        |    Linux is about freedom of choice    |
        +== ===+

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