Andy Bradford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I see, so even if trigger isn't there it will check the queue and send out 
>the mail therein.  Which doesn't help if nothing is in the queue.

Right on both counts.

>...  I do know that all the files in queue/pid are 0 byte files though.  
>Does this matter or are they simply a tracking mechanism?

The files under queue/pid are empty. qmail-queue moves them to
queue/mess before writing the message to the file. This is all
documented in INTERNALS in the build directory:

  3. How messages enter the queue
  To add a message to the queue, qmail-queue first creates a file in a
  separate directory, pid/, with a unique name. The filesystem assigns
  that file a unique inode number. qmail-queue looks at that number, say
  457. By the guarantee above, message 457 must be in state S1.
  qmail-queue renames pid/whatever as mess/457, moving to S2. It writes
  the message to mess/457. It then creates intd/457, moving to S3, and
  writes the envelope information to intd/457.
  Finally qmail-queue creates a new link, todo/457, for intd/457, moving
  to S4. At that instant the message has been successfully queued, and
  qmail-queue leaves it for further handling by qmail-send.
  qmail-queue starts a 24-hour timer before touching any files, and
  commits suicide if the timer expires.


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