On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 02:00:39PM -0500, John W. Lemons III wrote:
> >Start over. You'll never know whether they've left a re-exploitable program
> on your
> >system somewhere. Have you checked for /usr/lib/math/fp/.setuid-root-shell?
> No

Good. Now check for all the other places it could be in :>

> but since the system has been compromised,
> who really knows?  :/

I think you've got the idea exactly. As a general rule, once a bad guy
has had root they can do many many things to keep it or re-claim it.

Just a few exaples of the more obvious tricks:

1.      Modify the rc start up scripts to create a setuid shell

2.      Create a root cron that does the same.

3.      Put an innocuous looking entry in inetd.conf which actually
        starts a process as root for you.

4.      Create an innoucuous looking user (nobody4 is a goodie) with a
        uid of zero and a password you know.

5.      Install an old version of sendmail.

6.      Replace the passwd command with a wrapper that sends the username
        and password to a remote address.

7.      Modify your .profile to create a function for su that traps the
        root password and emails it somewhere.


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