>If you're running a Red Hat system, that was probably put there by
>linuxconf itself, which is probably running out of a startup entry like
>/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99linuxconf -> ../init.d/linuxconf. In which case, it's
>not cause for alarm.

I think you are right, since I checked into its security, and it was still
set up to only allow localhost.  Probably not a problem.  Just strange that
it got appended after I last appended something and after a security breach.

>Also, if you're running Red Hat, you might want to use rpm to verify all
>packages against the installation CD.

I did that, and very little asside from a large chunk of /etc came up
different.  But isn't this also prone to problems if rpm was hacked?  I
guess I could re-install rpm and then do it, but I think that all things
considered, I'll just wipe and re-install.  I'll sleep better.

Thanks for the help,

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