Gareth Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>1) His first requirement was to only allow relaying if the user had one
>of his hosted domains as the From: line of an email.

I think there's a patch. Check the archives and

>2) Is there a web front end available that doesn't require logging in like

I hope not. :-)

>or where can I find detailed info on the maildir format that qmail 
>uses so I can write my own.

man maildir

>3) I've been told that the logs don't produce enough detail and that
>sendmail produces much more detailed logs in /var/log/maillog including
>the sender, recipient and other information.

Don't believe everything you're told. Evaluate such claims
yourself. What do *you* think of qmail's logging vs. sendmail's?

>Is it possible to produce much more detailed logging using qmail.

Of course. You can easily log the complete contents of every message
that passes through your system.

>We need to be able to trace anything in case of abuse.

qmail's standard logging is considered adequate my most of us for
tracking messages.


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