Mulindwa Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Tue, 2 May 2000, Dave Sill wrote:
>> Mulindwa Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >I have an interesting scenerion, whereby I send mail to user and the mail
>> >is not in the user's mailbox, what do U think could be the problem, and
>> >also when I check in the maillog I see an error msg saying :
>> >Yikes!Could_create_but_cant_delete_temperory_file!!/ENOENT:path_doesnot_exist
>> >What could be the prob.
>> That "Yikes" message isn't coming from qmail. What delivery agent is
>> this user using?
>Well am using qmail.

OK, I'll be more explicit.

$ cd /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
$ grep Yikes *

So that "Yikes" message is not *originated* by qmail. In all
likelihood, it's coming from a non-qmail delivery agent such as
procmail, binmail, deliver, maildrop, etc. Inspect the user's .qmail
files to see if he's overriding the default delivery method.

BTW, it's very rude to repost the same query under a different subject
(Interesting scenerio) just because you don't like the way the
original thread is going. Consider this your one free indiscretion.


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