On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 05:31:04PM -0600, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 04:21:45PM -0600, Bruce Guenter wrote:
> > If you are using qmail patched with the QMAILQUEUE patch, you can use
> > qmail-qfilter and the following two scripts to achieve the same effect.
> QMAILQUEUE is nicer but I think a lot of admins are not using
> this patch and want a quick fix.  Do you have any ideas on
> filtering this with standard qmail?

When you compile qmail-qfilter, define the C symbol QMAIL_QUEUE to some
other path.  Move the real qmail-queue to that path, and install a
script that calls qmail-qfilter as qmail-queue, and use the previously
posted love-filter script.  That's the only other way I can think of.
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

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