>   exit(31) if /name="LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs"/o;

Am I missing something here?

Anyone can rename that .vbs to what ever they want and send it around again
so wouldn't it be more efficient to filter all .vbs attachments?  Before
some one yells "We trade vbs files"  zip them up and send away.  Same with
executables.  If someone is dumb enough to run an exe from any source before
scanning it I don't think they will be winzip users so filtering an exe is
not out of the question either.

It seems we MUST protect the aol user types from themselves so we don't get
hurt by their careless actions.  Other times it was "so what it is just
newbies getting burned" but not this time.  Not when we lag servers to their

Comments not flames accepted ;)


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