"Benjamin de los Angeles Jr." wrote:
> Can you sight pros/cons of using your antivirus software compared to
> AmaVis?
> > [I used it's perlscanner interface to match on the attachment filename while
> > waiting for the Antivirus vendors to come up with an "official" fix :-)]
> > See http://www.geocities.com/jhaar/scan4virus/

Well, I think you refer to AMaViS-Perl? AMaViS-Perl does not require any
qmail patch(es) and supports more antivirus software. 
scan4virus provides a "generic filter/scanner" to filter out eMails with
a specific attachment name - which in case of "I love you" is a good
thing, but it's very easy to change the file name (or the subject line),
according to BugTraq this has happend. 
(Btw, stopping hoaxes is a also a difficult task - anyone can change
subject or the body easily ...).
Well, scan4virus is specific to qmail, whereas AMaViS supports sendmail
& postfix, too (the shell script version supports exim, too).

Jason? :-)

best regards,
Rainer Link
Rainer Link  | Member of Virus Help Munich (www.vhm.haitec.de)           
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Member of AMaViS Development Team (amavis.org)            
rainer.w3.to | Maintainer FAQ "antivirus for Linux" (av-linux.w3.to)

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