Maybe I am going around this all wrong.
I am having troubles creating the auto-reply scripts.
The script is in PERL and I am trying to capture the message. I tried to do
a print on ARGV and ENV but both arrays are empty. How do I grab the email
message? I would also like to modify the subject line of the message before
it gets sent to the "common" pop account.
The .qmail-support alias file looks like
At 10:55 AM 5/15/00 -0500, Ronny Haryanto wrote:
>On 15-May-2000, Marcelo J. Iturbe wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have several aliases poiting to the same mailbox. (info, support, sales,
> > etc).
> > How can I set up an individual auto reply for each alias when they all
> > arrive at the same pop account?
>The trick is to generate auto-reply _before_ they arrive at the same
>In .qmail-info:
> | /path/to/autoreplyscript/for/info
> mailbox
>In .qmail-support:
> | /path/to/autoreplyscript/for/support
> mailbox
> Ronny
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