On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 03:55:31AM -0700, James wrote:
> I've received a couple of messages both on this list, and personal email
> that consistently suggest that I read the manual before posting here.
> Of course I realize that reading the manual, going through the steps of
> Life With Qmail or viewing the FAQs is the best first step.. but once one
> takes every step mentioned, and things STILL don't work, it's very hard to
> maintain calm as people *keep* suggesting that it's a good idea to read
> the manual.
I don't know if you did this, but it MIGHT be a good idea to actually STATE
that you've read Dave Sill's LWQ and the FAQ's and the appropriate man page
before posting....

I don't know if you've noticed, but there are *a lot* of questions posted to
this list which could have *easily* been resolved by reading the appropriate

The people on this list are not *mind readers*. If you don't tell them you've
read all the material they, logically, assume that you haven't.

Some people find it easier to ask ("stupid") questions on the list then to
read the rather plentyful documentation.

Another recent example was that someone changed his domain name in a post
on this list.
When he finally told the domain name the problem was *immediately* solved...

> And one other soapbox spew.. When I receive a question such as "Are you
> sure you are talking to [your ip address here]?" and I answer "How would I
> know?".. this doesn't mean I haven't tested ping, or whois, or
> whereis etc.. because I have, it means that if there is some *other* way
> of knowing, please tell me now.
You're right, but if you don't *STATE* that you've done ping, whois, nslookup
etc. again nobody *knows* you did this ;-)

> Whatever I learn on this list I will do what I can to give back to those
> who have questions, or run into the same problems I have had here.  And
> even though I try to be thorough in my question posts, I guess I need to
> be more thorough still with every step I have tried.. because I only ask
> questions here AFTER I have tried every step I can find in either a FAQ or

This may be a natural path/assumption for you, but not for others on this list.

> James
My 2 cents worth,


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