Mandrake happens to be a very good Linux distribution based on RedHat, which
runs on the majority of Linux powered servers.  The startup scripts are
all found in /etc/rc.d/init.d and this is uniform on most Linux distributions. 
The only different one is Debian which the startup scripts are located in
/etc/init.d .  


On Wed, 17 May 2000, clemensF wrote:
> > James (Wed 17.0500-04:31):
> > I am using Mandrake 7.02 and I am trying to get vpopmail
> isn't mandrake a kind of poisonious snake eating ape?  i don't know where
> the ape wants his starter scripts, but on unix systems it should either go
> into /usr/local/bin/<your-name-for-the-script> to get called manually, or
> into /etc/rc.local to get called automatically on startup.  linux hides his
> startup-scripts in peculiar places at times, but, fortunately, every linux
> distribution does it differently, so you would have to search the manuals
> (yes i know this is not what you want) on the subject of initialisation.
> >     env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
> >         tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c20 -u503 -g503 0 smtp \
> >         /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
> incidently:  if you set up the smtp daemon this way nobody will listen to
> it's status messages, because they get dumped in the bit/bucket.  if you
> use multilog, "> /dev/null&" should be deleted for the logger to be able to
> catch it ("hark!  is this the wind?  or are daemons talking to me?").
> but this is another story.  feel free to feedback.
> -- 
> clemens                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         do                                              D4685B884894C483
>         gpg recv-key 0x9
>         echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
>         gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
>         mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
>         wait

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