Thanks for your answer Mark.
Actually I need to setup Qmail only as an inbound server. And tcp.smtp lines' purpose seems to specify from which hosts Qmail is to accept relaying smtp queries. But in my case, there is no such relaying. I want it to accept all smtp connections from all over the world (of course only if destined to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and pass them (as is) to either or according to the host of which the email is sent.
What would I need to do?
-----Original Message-----
From: mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 4:59 PM
To: Ali Sahin
Subject: Re: How to set up Qmail as a front-end (relaying) server?

In other words you would like to setup a mail exchanger?
(PS - I'm fairly new to qmail to)
In tcp.smtp of the MX you should have the ip ranges that are allowed to use that server. For example I have a enrty 192.102.9.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
This allows all users on that network to use my MX.
Next is to add that domain into rcpthosts. This means that the server will now accept mail for that domain.
Then assuming that you dont have rewrites or virtual domains you need to enter in a smtproute for that domain. "[ip number of host]"
Restart qmail-send     "kill -HUP ps number of qmail-send"
Next would be to add a MX record in your primary DNS server for that host.
Restart the DNS.
I hope that helps,
If you are unclear or next extra help just give me a ring.
Best of Luck

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