Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 22 July 2000 at 09:15:45 -0400

 > Alan is the south end of a horse going north.  Given the way he runs
 > and the accusations he makes of people, I'm amazed that
 > anyone uses ORBS.

I'm really annoyed at the degree of uncivility that's developed in the
spam-fighting community.  I'm running selected spams through spamcop
(more curious about their analysis than anything else), and nearly
everything reaching me is marked as already blocked by ORBS.  It's not
blocked by RBL or RSS, unfortunately, so it's still reaching me.  And
either ORBS is blowing *amazing* clouds of smoke or MAPS is really
putting the boot in in their private way, in ways I can't approve of.
Ugly all around.
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Bookworms: SF: 
David Dyer-Bennet / Welcome to the future! / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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