On Sun, Jul 23, 2000 at 04:10:42PM -0700, Eric Cox wrote:
> Whatever happened to helping other people make their services better, 
> rather than declaring all-out war on them and trying to destroy them? 
> We're misplacing all of the anger that we have for spammers onto ORBS 
> simply because a few test messages find their way in just like spam, 
> and declaring war without even thinking it through.
That's uncalled for.

ORBS has stepped way over the line on numerous occasions.  Instead of
"helping other people make their services better," they apply a
sledgehammer.  If anyone started this war, it's ORBS.

As for the supposed benefits of ORBS and RBL and whatever else, I find
a good mailfilter or procmail script to be the most effective.

But this is all way off topic for this list.

David Benfell
ICQ 59438240 [e-mail first for access]
There are no physicists in the hottest parts of hell, because the
existence of a "hottest part" implies a temperature difference, and
any marginally competent physicist would immediately use this to
run a heat engine and make some other part of hell comfortably cool.
This is obviously impossible.
                                -- Richard Davisson
                                        [from fortune]


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