Michael T. Babcock wrote:
>I don't see how "If there is ever a compiler dumb enough to break void
>main(), I will happily advise everyone to use a different compiler"
>engenders any trust in someone's ability to write C code.
>Qmail is well written, sure.  But void main() is and always has been wrong
>on 99% of platforms and adding "return 0;" to the end of the function will
>shut up GCC as well.  That said ...

void main() does NOT shut recent versions of gcc up, unless you specify

> cat void.c
void main() {}
> gcc void.c 
void.c: In function `main':
void.c:1: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'

Was there a problem with int main() that was giving people trouble?


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Mark Mentovai
UNIX Engineer
Gillette Global Network

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