At 4:20 AM -0400 8/4/00, Adam McKenna wrote:
>On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 10:17:41AM +0200, Robin S. Socha wrote:
>>  your way of quoting *may* be convenient for you. It is, however, annoying
>>  for probably everyone else (particularly people not reading your "threads"
>>  in a row. It also adds a *massive* amount of unnecessary overhead. May I
>>  suggest your grabbing a copy - really, just about any - of the netiquette
>>  and fixing your mail toys?
>For christ sake, leave the guy alone.  IMHO your incessant personal attacks
>are way more annoying than his quoting style.

Does anyone else see what he's complaining about?  I've read this 
thread using MacOS Eudora, and just looked at one of the messages 
with mutt, and I see nothing out of the ordinary.  (Reminds me of the 
time some idiot flamed me on Usenet for using "}" instead of ">" as 
the quoting character.)


Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693

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