> > I dislike them as well. All our servers are transitioning to
> > linux/openbsd EXCEPT for this one virus-scanning machine.
> Interestingly, this will leave this one machine open to attacks against
> OS itself. Strange notion of security.

  Well, in a world devoid of any other security mechanisms, perhaps.  But
it's perfectly easy to simply deny all traffic to the machine not related to
SMTP, at the router, firewall, and on the machine itself.  It's hard to
exploit something on the machine if your packets never get there.

> > I trust stuff I pay for more than free, open source scripting efforts.

  Well, it's sixes.  Some commercial software is well-written, a lot isn't.
Some open-source software is well-written, I've found a lot that's not.  It
all comes down to the individual package.


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