Are you able to make it create folders on the same level as INBOX or
only as subfolders of INBOX?


Tim Hunter wrote:
> I am using courier-imap with Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger,
> and Eudora, along with sqwebmail.
> It is a wonderful product.
> I don't have any problems, even with somewhere around 30 folders and
> subfolders.
> I have a good feeling you have misconfigured something.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Jespersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2000 2:22 PM
> To: Georg Lutz
> Cc: Qmail mailing list
> Subject: Re: OT: courier-imapd & netscape messanger for windows ==
> complete fuckup... any ideas?
> Hi Georg,
> Definition
>   root-level folders = folders on the same level as the INBOX in the
> filesystem directory structure.
> Example:
>   INBOX == ~mylogin/Maildir/
>   Trash == ~mylogin/Trash/
>   Sent == ~mylogin/Sent/
> etc...
> I have made a Maildir folder under ~mylogin as ~mylogin/Maildir/ using
> maildirmake and there is no
> problem delivering to it or reading from it.
> The problem is this: Courier-imapd refuse to create root-level folders and
> insists that all folders
> should be created as subfolder of the INBOX folder.
> Example:
>   INBOX == ~mylogin/Maildir/
>   Trash == ~mylogin/Maildir/Trash/
>   Sent == ~mylogin/Maildir/Sent/
> Furthermore, since courier-imapd uses '.' as separator instead of the
> standard '/' that other
> Maildir-like message structures like Mh use all folders are created with a .
> infront.
> Example:
>   INBOX == ~mylogin/Maildir/
>   Trash == ~mylogin/Maildir/.Trash/
>   Sent == ~mylogin/Maildir/.Sent/
> The problem basically seems to be that the guy who wrote courier-imapd is so
> hooked on the rfc's
> that he made a imap server that breakes all clients :( (or at least netscape
> messanger and microsoft
> outlook, which are used by the larger part of internet users as MUA)
> At first i thought that this was due to the silly choice of personal
> Namespace that he made, ie.
> INBOX which is a more or less reserved word in most MUA's.
> But although i patched the source to use PRIVA instead it still fucked up.
> So i guess it might be the '.' seperator that is the problem, though i am in
> know way knowledgable
> enough about the imap specs to base this on anything else than gut-feeling
> as a professional
> programmer of many years.
> But before i take on the task of making a complete working patch for courier
> imapd which supports
> standard MUA's i would like to be sure that no-one has done this before me,
> since i am hard pressed
> on time as it is, and actually need a good working imap server that supports
> Maildir now ;)
> I thought about contacting the guy who wrote it, but i must admit that after
> reading the FAQ and
> BUGS section on the download site i doubt very much that he in anyway cares
> about my problems since
> he seems to think that all MUA's that doesn't speak imap his way should be
> fixed *shrug*.
> That is an attitude that is hard to find usefull for the rest of us IMHO.
> Regards
> Martin Jespersen
> Georg Lutz wrote:
> >
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > what do you mean by "root-level-folders" ?
> > With a MUA you can only create folders in your INBOX. If you want to
> > create public-shared-folders you have to use maildirmake (which is part
> > of courier-imap), perhaps with a combination of
> > /usr/lib/courierimap/etc/maildirshared.
> > How folders in your private namespace are displayed, depends on the MUA
> > you are using. In Netscape this are all subfolders of "INBOX".
> >
> > But for further information you should look at man maildirmake or at the
> > courier-mailing-list.
> > I am quite happy with courier-imap and I would not recommend any other
> > imapd with maildir-patches.
> >
> > Bye
> >   Georg
> >
> > Martin Jespersen schrieb:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > My MUA is netscape messanger 4.73 for windows and i am not about to
> change this so spare me any
> > > rants about getting another MUA.
> > >
> > > I am currently using wu-imapd v4.7 with maildir patch, but i am not
> quite satisfied with (the
> > > maildir driver has a few missing features that are really anoying).
> > >
> > > So i am trying to get courier imapd 1.1 up and running, and it runs just
> fine, but...
> > >
> > > It refused to create root-level subfolders and i can only create
> subfolders under the INBOX.
> > >
> > > i have tried to reconfigure/reinstall 10 times now with and without
> the --enable-workaround..
> > >
> > > i have even tried to modify the source code to use PRIVA as the personal
> namespace instead of INBOX
> > > (yeah i changed it everywhere and make check worked fine)
> > >
> > > but it is a no-go...
> > >
> > > maybe it would work if i completely rewrote the namespace structure of
> courier-imapd and changed the
> > > subfolder delimiter from "." to "/" like mh use since mh seems to work
> fine except being super-slow
> > > and outdated in alot of ways
> > >
> > > is there anyone who is succesfully running courier with support for
> netscape out there?
> > >
> > > going through the sourcecode it seems that courier actually insists that
> root-level folders should
> > > reside under ./Maildir/ eg. the trashfolder is file-system wise created
> as ./Maildir/Trash/
> > >
> > > can anyone answer me this: why? isn't this just begging for MUA
> problems?
> > >
> > > *ARGH the pain!*
> > >
> > > if anyone knows of ANY imap server that supports Maildir format and
> Netscape messanger at the same
> > > time PLEASE tell me, because i am running out of ideas besides coding my
> own imap server and i
> > > really don't feel like doing that unless i absolutely have to (i hate
> coding C -go figure :)
> > >
> > > if only perl was faster then i would make one today, but alas perl is no
> good for production-level
> > > daemons.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Martin Jespersen
> >
> > --
> >
> > Georg Lutz                   |
> > ERC - Euro Regio Consult AG  | Tel: +49 7854 9696-0
> > Im Buehl 10                  | Fax: +49 7854 9696-20
> > D-77694 Kehl

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