Is there a package for doing imap before smtp with courier-imap and

Jeremy McLeod wrote:
> Auf Oct 22, 2000, an 08:20, Mark Thomas (Tech14) besagt dieses:
> >Hello everyone,
> >
> >Is there a way to setup qmail to use SMTP authorization?
> >Right now I am limiting sending of mail to authorized users on the
> >local segment(10.1.0.x).  How would I go about forcing the user to
> >sign in with a username/password in order to send smtp mail, rather
> >than disallowing totally access from outside?
> >
> >Also, does this open any doors that I should be concerned with?
> Install relay-ctrl( if you're using
> qmail's pop3d. This opens relay for users who have successfully logged
> in via pop3. Instructions are included with the package.
> -jeremy
> --
> The reason they're called wisdom teeth is that the experience makes you wise.

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