> > i am installing qmail on my linux 6.1 machine inside of the company
> What is "linux 6.1?" (did you mean Redhat 6.1 by chance, hmm?).  A
> minor point, but be careful if you slip up like that on a list devoted
> to linux.

apologies. yes. redhat 6.1

> > i work for. it is currently running sendmail that comes with
> > redhat. the company has a policy of no wildcard mx's. a
> > "sendmail.cf" is provided to not use a wildcard mx. within that file
> > are the two lines that seem to pertinent (as i feebly understand
> > sendmail!)
> > # Smart host 
> > DSmail.server.domain.com
> > # Use this mailer to reach the Smart host
> > DNsmtp
> > # Restrict DNS to those domain only 
> > CD
> They might be even more pertinent if you had not decided to munge all
> the useful data!

?munge? could you explain what this means. i am new at this (qmail, and
this mailing list, so far asking for info...)
> > my question is how do i avoid the "wilcard mx" problem with qmail?
> > whenever i attempt a send to outside of my system using:
> You are sending mail remotely from a qmail system to an alleged
> sendmail system (I say alleged since you've again munged all useful
> data, so I can't double-check), and the remote system is rejecting the
> mail after the recipient is specified.  Assuming that the remote
> system is _not_ qmail, and I'm pretty sure it isn't, your problem has
> absolutely nothing to do with qmail.

yes, the remote system is a sendmail system. my machine also is
currently using sendmail. i want to migrate off that (as much as a
learning experience as any other reason).

when the company decided to not allow the wildcard mx's, my local
sendmail system had to change. and it looks like the new sendmail.cf
has the changes that i noted in the prior message.
> > does not like recipient.
> > Remote host said: 554 <myclient.server.domain.com[]>: Client host rejected: 
>Will not relay via wildcard MX records - reference 
> > Giving up on
> atoka-software.com does not have any wildcard MXs.  I'm pretty confused
> as to what that mail server is thinking.  I think some more info is
> needed.
> Aaron

so far as i can determine, it is not that the receiving domain has
wildcard mx's; it is the dependence of the mail server on the local
machine that is somehow depending on a wildcard mx. (pardon me, i am
ignorant here! <s>) anyway, it does not matter where the destination
mailbox is (other than *.domain.com).

as i mentioned, it seems that the change is required on my machine,
as i had to change my sendmail.cf to fix the problem when using a
sendmail server on my machine. am i off base here?

again, thanks for your patience...
allen wayne best

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