Jamin Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How exactly is my MUA broken?
> I've included the original text of the message I've responded to.  I've
> simply chosen not to add anything to the beginning of each line of the
> original message.

Hence the breakage.  Netiquette dictates that replies be identified by
prefacing each line with '> ' or '>' -- many peoples' MUAs highlight text
by looking for these markers.  It makes reading your mail much more difficult
for the rest of us.

> If you see the questions of users on this list as bothersome, I'm sorry.

Most of us don't mind users asking questions, after they have made a
reasonable effort to understand the problem themselves, by doing _all_ of
the following:

        -read all the documentation that comes with qmail, preferably at
        least twice.  This includes the man pages and other text documentation.
        -especially read Dan's FAQs (the one included with the source, and
        the one at cr.yp.to)
        -read the various hints & tips at www.qmail.org, and the various
        user-contributed documentation that are referenced there
        -read "Life with qmail" by Dave Sill
        -read through the archives of this list for people with similar 
        problems in the past.  We've seen all of these questions.

Anyone who posts one of the most-commonly asked questions to the list,
without having done all the above, is (in effect) saying "My time is more
valuable than the time of the people I am asking for help".  Some people tend
to get a little annoyed at this type of attitude.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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