Thus spake Barley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Man, this Robin character is nuts. Coder-superiority syndrome big time. Why
> is it that tech geeks are so sure that their field of knowledge is the only
> one that indicates general intelligence?

Hahaha, you idiot can't even be bothered to use a search engine to look
Robin's previous work out to place a proper insult?  What kind of
pathetic wimp are you, anyway?

Robin is not a coder.

> If Robin is anything like his/her mailing list personality in real
> life, I'm sure few people would consider him/her nearly as intelligent
> as he/she considers him/herself.  True intelligence is indicated by a
> broader understanding of things, and the contributions that many
> different people have to offer.

Hahaha, how can someone like _you_ dare to say anything about
intelligence?  Especially about other people's intelligence?!
You wouldn't know intelligence when it fell on your foot!

> You mentioned Darwinism in a former post, Robin. How exactly is an angry
> geek who knows a whole lot about electronic boxes, but less than nothing
> about interacting successfully with the 5 billion other real-live people on
> the planet suited for survival in a Darwinian sense? Something tells me if
> you and I were dropped in the wilderness together, I'd be the one coming out
> alive, if only because I had you skewered on a spit over a fire within the
> first day. In fact it's hard to envision a role for you at all in any world
> that wasn't utterly computer-dependant.

Robin's day job is not computer related.

> Now why don't you go answer some questions instead of flaming me back. Show
> us all how clever you are, Robin.

Gregg, why don't you be a good boy and piss off.
Go away.

There is nobody here who has any interest in your pathetic flaming.
And, now that you showed your real face, noone would help you even if
you learned how to spell, how to quote or how to phrase your questions

Begone, parasite.


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