Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:
> I'm not a big fan of newbie smackdowns, though a repeat 
> offendor might 
> warrant one. I think newbies generally respond better to reward than
> punishment. E.g., instead of:
>   Your mailer is broken.
> I'd say something like:
>   Please don't include messages you're replying to as appendages to
>   your own messages. It's a waste of bytes, and it annoys many
>   people--most of whom are too polite and/or busy to bother
>   complaining. Instead, quote small passages, prefixing each line
>   with ">". This puts the relevant information right where it's
>   needed, and makes it easy for people to tell who said what.
> The former approach *might* work, but is more likely to offend the
> newbie. The latter is polite and informative. An educated, unoffended
> newbie is much more likely to want to change his ways.

Thank you, and yes, the later would have been much better.

> >As for qmail, I will be the first to tell you that LWQ and 
> the installation
> >instructions with qmail itself are for the most part highly 
> inadequate.
> Ouch. "... LWQ ... [is] ... highly inadequate." In a way, of 
> course, I 
> completely agree. I've tried to make it newbie friendly, but nobody
> knows better than I that it still leaves some newbies behind.

Again thank you.
> However, 
> I have to ask why you didn't complain to me when you were having
> problems with it. Without such feedback, there's not much 
> chance of it 
> getting fixed.

I have every intention on supply statements to you once I have a completed
my installation.  As for why I didn't complain to you, I figured I would
look elsewhere for the information, rather than pestering the author with

Jamin W. Collins

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