On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 02:24:03PM -0500, Jerry Keene wrote:
> very useful for filtering out e-mail viruses

Don't know if this is a urban legend or if it really exists, but a
friend told me about a ZIP file called  42.ZIP  (maybe because it is
42 KB in size) which - as I heard - is currently floating around. This
is not a virus but a DoS attack against virus scanners.

If you unzip this ZIP you will get another 10 ZIPs. Each of this again
contains 10 ZIPs ... until you end up with 10**6 ZIP files. Each of
these ZIP files contains a file that is about 40 MegByte uncompressed.

I think it will take considerable time, disk space and CPU power to "check"
this 42.ZIP ...

Can anyone confirm that this indeed exists (or is an urban legend)?


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