On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Nathan J. Mehl wrote:

> Um, ISTR that the Morris Worm did a pretty good job of spreading over
> heterogeneous UNIX-like systems over a variety of transports.

The worm did not infect more than 10 % of all hosts. This estimate is
based on the extrapolation of the number of infected hosts at MIT. A poll
done by people at Harvard suggests the actual number for all Internet
hosts may have been considerably smaller, approx. 1,000-3,000 hosts out of
60,000, i.e. 2-5 %. Unfortunately, one can only guess how many of those
hosts were unix-like machines. Anyway, the numbers is not very impressive
compared to what could be accomplished with "Microsoft monoculture" or any
other monoculture (hmmm...a devil's advocate question: what would happen
if qmail was the only MTA in the known universe?).

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft--http://www.vcnet.com/bms ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

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