Lipscomb, Al <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 5 December 2000 at 09:20:05 -0500
 > > 
 > > Al, please don't talk about stuff you don't understand.
 > > It's not a "product", it's free software.
 > > 
 > Wrong. Talked to an attorney last night who specializes in this kind of
 > litigation. Person(s) X wrote code and person Y suffered a loss as a result
 > of using that code. It does not matter if a "charge" or "payment" is
 > involved.  

This is one of the interesting areas for Open Source software.
Various attorneys have various opinions; I believe that this has not
been definitively settled, or even close, in actual case law.  Until
there is precedent, it's still relatively open.

 > > And if there was any precedent for taking a software maker to a court
 > > for his bad software quality, California would have to declare
 > > bankruptcy.  Then you have more problems that a few free software
 > > hackers.
 > >
 > When did California become known for software manufacture? Are you thinking
 > of Washington?

Oh, sometime in the 60's.  You are behind, aren't you?
David Dyer-Bennet      /      Welcome to the future!      /      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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