If you don't need it to be onsite support, then does it matter where
the support comes from? I'm sure a number of the support orgs on
www.qmail.org are happy to offer remote support contracts.


On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 10:50:00AM +1100, Dennis wrote:
> Hi all...
> I'm in the process of proposing a shift off our current (almost working :))
> email system to qmail and have stumbled upon a small but significant
> problem.
> Our IT manager is a non-techi and as such is always looking for the, MS
> solution... I'm the only *nix guy in the department and have successfully
> convinced him to move DNS/WEB/Cache/DHCP over to *nix, phew !!! (email is
> next)
> The IT manager likes throwing "What happens if you get hit by a bus" at
> me... well, I get hit by a bus and not a single soul in our IT department
> can do any Qmail admin.
> I'd be happy to train them up but I need to also know that commercial
> support is available in Australia... This is the clincher !!!
> Cheers
> Dennis

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