Dennis writes:

> Our IT manager is a non-techi and as such is always looking for the, MS
> solution... I'm the only *nix guy in the department and have successfully
> convinced him to move DNS/WEB/Cache/DHCP over to *nix, phew !!! (email is
> next)
> The IT manager likes throwing "What happens if you get hit by a bus" at
> me... well, I get hit by a bus and not a single soul in our IT department
> can do any Qmail admin.


It sounds like we're in very similar situations.  I began working at a new
company approximately 4 months ago and I too am moving most of the core
services off Windows.

I was presented with the same question regarding the bus, and even
variations with street-cars, airplanes and trucks.  ;)  Cross-training,
documentation and the URL to the archives are all a great start.

We are about to rollout djbdns services from W2K machines and I had my two
techs write the whole dns data file out for a couple hundred domains -- I
don't think I'll need to explain to them how the entries work again. :)

Yesterday I created another qmail server that will act as our relay and
serve a hundred or so users -- I expect to go through some similar
knowledge transfers.  In the end, I think the benefits far outweigh the
risks, and as Sean mentioned, M$ solutions have their learning curves as

Worst case scenario would involve remote support via a SSH terminal from
one of the many friendly qmail experts out there.

../mk - qmail grasshopper

[BTW - the BSD box I created yesterday has djbdnscache, ssh2 and qmail w.
courier-imap, vpopmail running on a dual PIII-500 with 256MB -- the machine
has 232MB free with all services running (though no traffic yet) - what a
beautiful thing!]

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