Am Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2000 00:28 schrieb Mike Jackson:
> Michael Hornby wrote:
> > I am running qmail on a server which will be going down shortly for
> > upgrades. I have a unix machine running at my house (static IP address)
> > that I would like to use as a "backup" server. I plan on changing the MX
> > record for my domain to point to my home machine, and to have all the
> > mail delivered there while the main server is down. Instead of having
> > mail being sent to me bounce, it will go through via the backup server.
> >
> > My ultimate goal is to have my home server accept any mail that is being
> > sent to any e-mail address being hosted on the main server, and to
> > indefinitely try to forward it to the main server. This way, when the
> > main server returns, it will receive all the mail it missed while it was
> > down. All the e-mail will then continue to be stored on the main server,
> > and users can login there to retrieve it.
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might implement this? Any help is
> > greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> The best way to upgrade your mail server is to install a forwarding
> sendmail on your firewall, 


The easiest way is to add another mx record with higher precedence to your 
domain pointing to your home machine and install qmail there, set 
~/control/me and just copy over ~/control/rcpthosts from your original 
server. Thats all. You don't need to change this setup when you're finished, 
your home qmail will get all mail as loang as your primary server is down and 
send it to your primary when it becomes availabel again.
The important thing here is that your domains are NOT in locals or 

> then queue mail at the firewall until your
> new server is complete. Set the bounce timeout on the firewall to
> something like 5 days.  I did this a week ago, and it took me about 30
> hours for a large migration plus many mailing lists and domains... When
> you are happy, open the floodgates... I had about 4000 messages queued.
> Mike


Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS        |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |  20459 Hamburg            |  Germany

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