On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Michael Hornby wrote:

> My ultimate goal is to have my home server accept any mail that is being
> sent to any e-mail address being hosted on the main server, and to
> indefinitely try to forward it to the main server. This way, when the main
> server returns, it will receive all the mail it missed while it was down.
> All the e-mail will then continue to be stored on the main server, and users
> can login there to retrieve it.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might implement this? Any help is
> greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

example.com  IN MX 10  main.example.com.    ; main machine
             IN MX 20  backup.example.net.  ; home machine

if main.example.com is unreachable for any reason then anyone sending mail
to @example.com will send it to backup.example.net instead.

backup.example.net won't try to forward mail to itself, it'll just kep
trying main.example.com until it suceeds, or the timeouts expire (see
qmail-control for details of the files which control this)

the only extra thing you have to do is make sure example.com is in
rcpthosts on backup.example.net and also does not appear in locals or
virtualdomains on that machine. (if it does then you have to do htings
slightly differently)

You know that. I know that. But when  ||  Austin, Texas
you talk to a monkey you have to      ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grunt and wave your arms          -ck ||

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