i've had lots of problems with mutt concerned its sorting.  i've
consistently seen mutt think messages from november 28th interpreted as
being from january 4th, 2002, as an example.  weird things like that.
that's simply unacceptable to me.

plus the whole idiotic self-quoting thing on the top of mutt's web page,
and some other stuff on the web pages, just makes me think that the author
is an idiot.  but that's certainly not very objective reasoning.

old redhat releases of pine included a patch for maildir support.
however, pine is _extremely_ inefficient when it comes to large mailboxes
(maildirs, i should say).  get a few thousand messages in one, and pine
will annoy you something awful.  it seems to try to rebuild the message
list in a box from scratch repeatedly every time certain operations are
performed, or a timeout is met.  very, very frustrating.

for now i'm still using an old pine with the maildir patch, as that mutt
date interpretation thing simply makes it impossible for me to use.  i
started writing my own mua that will probably be very, very minimal in
features, just so i can avoid these stupid yet horrendous problems.  i
haven't done much with it recently, however, so who knows when it will be

pine's license is also kind of...not cool.  but then again, people using
qmail probably aren't very license-religious.  chuckle.

so shrug, lose-lose situation.


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