On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Alex Pennace wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 08:02:51PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:
> > i've had lots of problems with mutt concerned its sorting.  i've
> > consistently seen mutt think messages from november 28th interpreted as
> > being from january 4th, 2002, as an example.  weird things like that.
> > that's simply unacceptable to me.
> When sorting by date mutt only barfs when the date header is messed
> up. Are you sure the date headers in those messages are standards
> compliant?

i would much rather simply sort by the mailbox.  which i've tried.  and it
still gets messed up.  why on earth do muas think they're smarter than
mtas?  whatever.  but i was using an old version of mutt so who knows?

> > plus the whole idiotic self-quoting thing on the top of mutt's web page,
> > and some other stuff on the web pages, just makes me think that the author
> > is an idiot.  but that's certainly not very objective reasoning.
> This is coming from someone who doesn't know what capitalization
> is. But you can't please them all, right?

this is the absolute worst argument i've ever heard in my entire life.
don't ever email me again.

> > for now i'm still using an old pine with the maildir patch, as that mutt
> > date interpretation thing simply makes it impossible for me to use.
> Like I said I've had no problems in this area except when the message
> itself was flawed. Are you sure you are using Mutt properly?

no, i'm not sure.

i've been talking about this in private messages with someone else.  i'm
not sure that my use of mutt is perfect, altho i have no idea what i could
possibly be messing up.  nevertheless, if i have to mess around with it
that much for it to be coherent for me to use, it's not the proper tool
for me.  to each his own.


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