On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 08:45:17AM -0800, David Benfell wrote:
[unsubscribing for Debian lists]
> I have made several attempts to unsubscribe from their lists and I've
> tried to contact them.  It doesn't work.

But it can't be user error, right?

> I don't know why and it's not my job to know why.

That's a wonderful attitude.

> But I do need to stop this mail.  Not getting
> any cooperation from them, I have little choice.

RTFM http://www.debian.org/

> > The nerve!
> The nerve of them for using a broken mailing list manager.

Subscription and unsubscription works for everyone else. Subscription
obviously worked for you, but you can't manage unsubscription. Why is
this Debian's problem?

> Self-righteousness only goes so far.

You invited yourself to Debian's party, not the other way around.

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