On of my clients two times a week sends his "info" letter which is about 300KB
and adressed to ~2000 accounts...

I had concurrencyremote set to 40, but with this setting it blocked my queue
for several hours! (some of receipments are very far from me), so i switched 
to 120 and it's better because queue is blocked for 30 minutes at most, but
i takes all my bandwith...

I'm searching for some solution which could make "private queue" for this
I read something about serialmail, but as far as i read it takes all traffic
from server.

Daniel Fenert            --==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
Reincarnation: Life sucks, then you die. Then life sucks again.
===- http://daniellek.linux.krakow.pl/ -===< +48604628083 >

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