W dniu Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 01:35:17PM -0500, Dave Sill wystukał(a):
>>Ok, this solution would work but isn't best... I't would block all my client
>>traffic (even short - one recipient letters).
>I don't know the nature of your client(s) or their mail usage
>patterns, but if the offending messages are sent by a particular user,
>you could give that single person the alternative SMTP host or
>port. That would subject only that one person to waiting for the big

This is some sort of info/newsletter and it happens to be big (500KB message),
it's why it's a problem for us.

>>Following this thread - is there possibility to check before sending mail to
>>queue if it has more than (for example) 50 recipient it wolud be forwarded to
>>this second qmail-queue. This would be ideal solution...
>>There's tarpit patch which checks if there are no more recipients that number
>>from control/tarpitcount file. Maybe it is possible to alter this patch to
>>suit my needs... I mean without rewriting whole qmail :)
>Sure, it's a SMOP (Simple Matter Of Programming).

Yesterday noon, i've searched through qmail source (it was hard to recall C
programming :) but found a way to do this efficiently :)

If everything goes OK, patch should be ready tomorrow :)

Daniel Fenert            --==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
- czy linux będzie działał gdy na innej partycji będę miał windows?
- tak, choć z lekkim obrzydzeniem                          (robmar)
===- http://daniellek.linux.krakow.pl/ -===< +48604628083 >

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