Ok I am still having problems with the same emails getting delivered multiple times. And am baffled by what to do.  The higher ups are pushing REAL hard to switch to Microsoft Exchange so I need at least some ideas on what to try next.
   Certain email messages, sent from outside our local network, with the Reply to header set to our home domain, ie. [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent using local ISPs email server, get delivered multiple times.  It is not consistant, one time a message sent to certain users will only get delivered once, the next time a message sent to the same users will start looping, get delivered multiple times.
   Far servers logs show a lost connection while sending end of data.
   local sever shows no errors in maillog or messages.  With recordio turned on the conversations look the same for correctly delivered messages as incorrectly delivered messages.
ANY help or suggestions or.......... would be greatly appreciated.

  ants.com scout

Kep Brown
Systems, Network and Database Administrator
phone: (805) 560-3781
fax: (805) 560-3991



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